The History Quiz of mr. foo 1

Vespucci, Colombus, Cabral, Balboa, and Magellan all explored the world you now live in. Now show some respect j-j-j-junior! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz!

Can you outthink a textbook? IF you know the explorers enough, you will be the textbook master, knowing all. Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz! Take the Quiz!

Created by: Matthias Bell
  1. Who left from Portugal and founded Brazil in 1500?
  2. Where did Christopher Columbus leave from?
  3. What happened to Ferdinand Magellan on his voyage?
  4. What is "America" named after?
  5. What did Christopher Columbus bring back to Spain with him after his voyage?
  6. When did Columbus sail the ocean blue and to where?
  7. What was Ferdinand Magellan's goal and where did he leave on his journey?
  8. What river and country did Amerigo Vespucci discover?
  9. What country did Balboa discover?
  10. What was Balboa's greatest discovery?

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