The hardest HP quiz part 3

Please add up yout toal percentages. it's out of 300%, since you took 3 quizzess. Then you send your score to me, it must be within the time limit of the one hour. Whoever got the highest percent gets points, i divide their score by 3, since if they got all of them right, that's 100 points ^^

Please add up yout toal percentages. it's out of 300%, since you took 3 quizzess. Then you send your score to me, it must be within the time limit of the one hour. Whoever got the highest percent gets points, i divide their score by 3, since if they got all of them right, that's 100 points ^^ Thanks for playing!!!!

Created by: Lillian

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Why is Ron so scared of spiders?
  2. The sign on the Lovegood's house says keep off the ______
  3. Lord Voldemort: "You show spirit and bravery, and you come of noble stock. You will make a very valuable Death Eater. We need your kind, Neville Longbottom." What did Neville say to this?
  4. When Professor Trelawney guesses around when Harry was born, what is her first guess?
  5. When did Harry first see Dobby?
  6. What is Vernon's first excuse when Dobby is making noise upstairs?
  7. What does Harry have a picture of on his closet door? (movie)
  8. Vernon almost made his deal with the drills in the second book, but it didn't work even after he told them it was because his nephew was very disturbed. Why?
  9. In the third movie, Harry is using a spell in the introduction. What spell is it?
  10. Why did the care of magical creatures, Professor Kettleburn, retire?
  11. Hermione almost saw herself when using the time turner in the 3rd movie. When?
  12. When Lupin and Sirius cornered Peter in the Shack in the 7th movie, what were they around?
  13. Why did Peter never live with a Muggle family?
  14. Which house points spilled all over the floor when Dumbeldore died?
  15. Which house points spilled all over the floor during the Battle of Hogwarts?
  16. When Harry was thinking about the past in book 7, he looked at the doormat and though of two things. Which ones were they?
  17. Harry can now use magic outside of Hogwarts when he's 17! Yippee! What color did he turn the posters on Ron's wall for fun?
  18. Tonks sent her patronous to get someome to come and get Harry, and Snape got it. Who had she wanted to get it?
  19. What did Harry look at when he was talking to Rufus, the Minister, to give him an excuse not to look at the minister.
  20. Who entered the code in the visitor's entrance of the Ministry when Harry, ron, hermione, luna, neville, and ginny all went?
  21. When they, Harry's team, went into the ministry, and saw the brains, Luna at first thought they were something else. What?
  22. What did Madam Pomfrey apply to Ron's scars from the brains to heal him?
  23. How many different types of potion did hermione have to take for Dolohov's curse?
  24. When Filch was looking and searching for Sirius Black in the 3rd movie for Dumbeldore, what two places did he tell Dumbeldore he had searched?
  25. One of Snape's most famous lines in movie 3. Turn to page ____
  26. When was a bezoar first mentioned? (I think it's the same with the movie, but go by the book)
  27. The shop, the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, is located on what number, Diagon Alley?
  28. When Harry told Dumbeldore he didn't know Slughorn all that well ( he wasn't sure if he could get the memory), what did Dumbeldore reply? (6th MOVIE)
  29. Dumbeldore told McGonagall to go and get Sirius, he said she would find a large black dog...where? (4th book when they caught Barty Crouch Jr)
  30. Ron said his potions book looked like it was puked on. What page did he say it looked like it had been puked on? (book 6)
  31. Ron misspelled his name, since his spelling quill's charm wore off. What name was written on his paper and potions book instead of Ronald Weasley?
  32. In the 6th book, malfoy wasn't feeling well and had WHO play for him in one of the games?
  33. When the stairs were blocked because of the death eaters in the 6th book, what spell did someone use to try and un-block it?
  34. This last one is an easy one, the easiest :) What is the name of Harry's child that inherited Lily's eyes?

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