The hardest gun quiz YET | Comments

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  • Oh my this stinks.

  • You can get a Derringer in .357, saying a .22 if best for fighting in NYC is like saying a 99 honda civic is the best all around car. The m-15 comes with a wooden pistol grip, foregrip, and stock, the ak-47 comes with a wooden pistol grip, foregrip and stock. That's like asking which is a pistol caliber, 9mm or 380? The HK ump is more reliable than an ak?? Maybe if you buy a $500 PSA ak but not if you aren't broke. Constantly amazes me the ignorance and inaccuracies. Learn it yourself before quizzing people you f---ing twatwaffle.

  • This is the worst gun quiz ever. Honestly. It would seem that the person who made this quiz both:

    1) Is a COD fanatic
    2) Knows next to nothing about guns

    3) Doesn't have the best grasp on how to make intelligent, non-biased questions.

    Trash .

  • dont know what ROF means? was a question not a statement

  • accualy afdas i dont think an ak74u is a sub machene gun its more of a compact ak its chambered in 5.45 wich is an assault rifle round found in the ak74 and other newer versions of the AK

  • OMG.. I have more! Sorry, I realized I got the NYC gunfight question wrong!! WTF? Six rounds?? Do you know how deep the hoods in NYC go? I have a feeling this should go into the computer gamer section. "GUNS IN VIDEO GAMES." I am going to have a quiz made for people who enjoy guns. Real ones..With questions regarding there mechanical operation and such. Not "what gun would you yous in a bar fight in Memphis? A M249, An M-16, M1 Abrams, Or call in an airstrike.? Something a little closer to "Expert." Thanks again

  • Some of these questions are inaccurate. The Desert Eagle is available in .357 but you cal also get a derringer in .357. That is just one example. I do not have enough characters to elaborate on the rest. Obviously the creator was just trying to make a fun quiz, and it was, But not close to "expert" material. Oh.. just cause it's bothering me, The AKSU technically is not an SMG. And you gun reliability question is completely open to opinion. The AK has legendary reliability yet the UMP is an amazing weapon as well. Ok.. Im better.


  • Actually, the mac10 is a machine pistol, therefore it shouldn't be classified as an smg. And the AK-74u IS a smg. And also, I've not seen a lot of wooden stocks on the BAR, and the ak-47 not only has a wooden stock, but the area where the barrel passes through is usually wood too, meaning that it is in fact more "wooden" than a BAR with a wood stock. Calm down and get YOUR facts straight.


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