The Emote Quiz!

:) :( Test you emoting skills! The very last question is very very very very hard! I dare you to take this test~! If you get a 100% post it I want to know badly!

Come on I want to see how good you are with your symbols. I bet you can't do it! Do you still think you can? Well then go on and take the test don't mind me I will be waiting for you to finish.

Created by: Jenguin
  1. What does this mean :)
  2. What does this mean );
  3. What does this mean
  4. What does this mean? :P
  5. What does this mean? *o*
  6. What does this mean? (- -) -
  7. What does this mean T_T
  8. What does this mean? THE END OF THE TEST
  9. MWHAHAHAHA I tricked you! What does this mean? ^-^
  10. (>'')> What does that mean? This is the hardest one?

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