The Edges of the Greek World

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Created by: William Moulton
  1. Who is the high-thundering husband of Queen Hera?
  2. Which Homeric hero sailed across the wine-dark sea into Hades?
  3. Who was the last soul the hero saw in Hades?
  4. Who led the souls of Penelope's suitors into Hades?
  5. Which character in the Theogony was three-bodied?
  6. The "Navel of the World" is located where?
  7. Who ate Odysseus' men in the Cyclops's cave?
  8. Who buried Oedipus' traitorous son Polynices?
  9. Who fit together the various traditions retold in the Iliad like a wheel-wright putting together a wheel?
  10. Who emitted the voice that asked the Muses to relate the Theogony of the Gods?

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