The Devil's Arithmetic

There are many survivors!! Through the tasks and trials you made it happen!! You stayed strong and pulled through! We are so proud of you for your accomplishments!!!!

Are you a survivor? Do you have what it takes to survive?? Until now you could only wonder, but after taking this quiz, you'll know for sure!! GOOOOOD LUCK!

Created by: Jessica
  1. What was Chaya's name at the beginning of the story?
  2. what was Hannah's brother's name?
  3. How old is Hannah in the beginning of the story?
  4. What was hidden by Hannah's brother at the Seder meal?
  5. Fayge is the woman who was going to marry Chaya's uncle Shmuel.
  6. What is the name of Chaya's aunt?
  7. When the commandant came to the camp, where were all of the children to hide?
  8. How were the people of Viosk transported to the camps?
  9. Who is Fayge's father?
  10. What is the malach ah-mavis?
  11. Where were the tattoos placed on the body?
  12. What is the name of the prophet for which Hannah was told to open the door?
  13. What did Aaron ask for from his Poppy?
  14. Viosk is the town in which the wedding was to be held.
  15. Badchan is another term for a rabbi.

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