The big scary quest to be a Junior level.

My quest to be a junior level is still going, I can't believe that people who have joined after me are at an advanced level now! Well maybe it's because they actually make loads of quizzes

My quest to be a junior level is still going, I can't believe that people who have joined after me are at an advanced level now! Well maybe it's because they actually make loads of quizzes.

Created by: 666Darkness

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. This quest is taking ages.
  2. I'm trying to level up to junior, but my level bar is so stubborn!
  3. I know that this quiz is probably wasting my time.
  4. People who have joined after me were already on advanced level :o and I'm still on novice?
  5. My bar is on yellow now, I need it to go up more.
  6. So please try and help me level up by rating and commenting on my quiz.
  7. Farewell children.

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