The Bet with Cara

You’ve made a bet with Cara. She says if you can stay put longer than her while being tickled, she will let you tickle her, but if she stays put longer, she gets to tickle you.

Take the quiz honestly to see who would win. I hope you do because Cara doesn’t exist in real life, therefore she cant even tickle you. Good luck! ;D ••

Created by: ^^()| ( )|
  1. Cara has challenged you to a bet. Whoever can be tickled the longest without moving wins and gets to tickle the loser to their hearts content whenever they want. What’s your reaction?
  2. It’s your turn. Cara tickles you with feather dusters.
  3. It’s your turn to tickle Cara now.
  4. How ticklish are you?
  5. Where is Cara’s tickle spot?Just guess
  6. Did you like the quiz?
  7. What do you think will happen?
  8. Let fate decide
  9. Random
  10. This is the last question

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