The awesome mlp quiz

The awesome mlp quiz is a simple quiz to test if you are a mlp wiz do you know mlp better than every pony. This quiz will help you find out! ★

Do you have enough power to get a good grade on this quiz? If you think you do have what it takes to get a good score on this quiz step up and do your best. ENJOY

Created by: sara
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the name of the background pony with crossed eyes?
  2. True or false. Twilight vanquished the ursa manger.
  3. Are you a brony?
  4. Complete this song. This day was going to be ....... The kind of day I dreamed since I was small.
  5. What element does twilight represent?
  6. For the next 3 questions I will ask you to name who said what. READY?
  7. Who said "Eeyup, nope" in ponyville confidential?
  8. Who said "right you are princess"
  9. Who said "nailed it"
  10. I'm out of questions bye.

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