What House Are You?

I hope that you enjoy my awesome quiz and thanks for taking part in it I may make more of these just cause I am awesome like that oh yes I am!!! Hopefully you will enjoy.

Yep you are awesome if you take this quiz. I am awesome cause I made this quiz and other people are awesome because they feel like being awesome yep that's all I have to say.

Created by: Sophia
  1. Are you popular in school or at work?
  2. What are your hopes and dreams?
  3. Where do you want to live?
  4. What kind of pets do you have/ want? (Pick the closest one)
  5. What's your favorite food? (Pick the closest one)
  6. How do you like this quiz?
  7. How many children do you want?
  8. How many pets do you want/ have?
  9. What would you say that your personality is? (Be truthful no one will judge you except yourself)
  10. What do you want to be like?
  11. This is the end of the quiz did you enjoy it?

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Quiz topic: What House am I?