Test your knowledge about longboarding

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The sport longboarding is not that old and many think it is the same as skateboarding. But what do you know about longboarding? Are you someone who likes to do this sport everyday or are you totally new to the sport and want to learn about it?

To test yourself and see what you already know, we have created this quiz for you. You will learn something about longboarding. It is a fun and active sport for young and old. See if you are up for it!

Created by: Karin Saltzherr of Longboards USA
(your link here more info)
  1. Longboarding was originally invented in:
  2. The first longboards were called:
  3. You can only cruise on a longboard.
  4. Most longboard decks have a concave. What is this?
  5. Most decks are made out of:
  6. The durometer of a longboard wheel means:
  7. Some longboards have camber. What does this mean?
  8. Longboards are:
  9. A longboard has RKP trucks. What does RKP stand for?
  10. The length of the hanger which is part of the longboard truck is measured in:
  11. What is the common thickness of the longboard axles?

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Quiz topic: Test my knowledge about longboarding