Test your Kemetic knowledge

Em hotep, welcome in peace and in love. This is just a few question I have set up to introduce to you the spiritual path of Kemetism also known as the Ancient Egyptian religion.

About the questions: They are not difficult, but basics of the Kemetic path. Each answer will tell you more about this path and if you want to know more please join me at the Shrine of Worship on the spruz network.

Created by: Sat ANkhu
  1. Which God was the bringer of the new day
  2. Which assimilation is between Ra and Horus?
  3. Which character of Hwt-Hrw (Hathor) destroyes the unfaithful?
  4. She was known as Isis to the Greeks, but what was her true name as known by the kemetic worshippers?
  5. The Kemetic call the part of your soul that leaves the body after death the...
  6. Which being came into existance from the chaotic waters of Nun to become or and later to be called the Creator Ra-Amun?
  7. What term is given to the sacred words that were spoken when all was created?
  8. Which symbol is invoked when doing offerings to the Neteru and is also seen as a symbol of protection and healing?
  9. The Djed is a symbol of which Neter and is also seen as the Kemetic Tree of life?
  10. There are how many schools regarding the Kemetic creation theory?
  11. How many principles does the Neteret Ma'at have and what is her symbol?
  12. In the sacred hour of the day which Neter assimilate with Ra to become the Judgement and Netherworld Neter?
  13. Which Neteret is seen as the Goddess of cats?
  14. Seth is the defender of Ra and he defends the Solar barque against this God?
  15. Horus and Seth fought .......
  16. The first being is known in the Kemetic path as:
  17. In the Kemetic path the highest state of being is called the....
  18. Which Neter is known as the protector and counselor of souls and the Shaman?
  19. Which Neter is the scribe who records all and is also the Neter of wisdom and Magic?
  20. Upon leaving the Ka (body), the Ba (soul)then is taken to the judgement chamber where it is then judged. Which part of the Ka is judged?

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Quiz topic: Test my Kemetic knowledge