Test Your iCarly IQ!

There are many iCarly geniuses out there, but only ONE can be the biggest fan on the planet. What is iCarly?? Well, first of all it's about this teen who does a popular web-show called iCarly. You've probobly been wanting to do an iCarly quiz for a long time now.........

Are YOU an iCarly genius?! Do you sleep,dream, and brethe everything iCarly?? I don't know?! But with this extra special quiz ( Or at least I think it is! ) You will find out in just a few minutes! Are you ready?! Well, stop staring at your computer screen and take the quiz already!

Created by: Natalie
  1. What is the name of the nasty doorman that's in Carly's apartment??
  2. What are the names of Carly's BFF's??
  3. What city do the iCarly crew live in??
  4. What was the name of Freddie's first girlfriend on the show??
  5. What is Sam's last name??
  6. Is Sam even a GIRL???
  7. What is Carly's brother's name??
  8. What school do Carly, Sam, and Freddie go to??
  9. What is Freddie's opinion on an iCarly episode called iMeet Fred??
  10. Is it true that Sam and Freddie kissed on a recent iCarly episode??
  11. What is Carly's favourite soda??
  12. Is it true that Freddie has a crush on Sam??
  13. Did you like me quiz?? ( No offect )

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Quiz topic: Test my iCarly IQ!