Taylor Swift Lyrics Quiz

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Do you like Taylor Swift as much as I do? Maybe, but can you remember the lyrics to her songs? Let's find out! But no, cheating! No Googling the answers!

Feel free to take this quiz as many times as you like, and share it with your friends too. And lets show our love for Taylor by continuing to support her music.

Created by: OnlineSwiftie
  1. (Easy) Screaming, crying perfect storms...
  2. (Easy) you are somebody that I don't know, but you're taking shots at me like its patrĂ²n...
  3. (Easy) You're on the phone with your girlfriend she's upset...
  4. (Easy) he always said he didn't get this song...
  5. (A little harder) tonight I'm gonna dance, like you were in this room...
  6. (A little harder) eyes like sinking ships on waters. so inviting...
  7. (A little harder) call a cab, lose my number...
  8. (Hard) I saw the scoreboard, and ran for my life...
  9. (Hard) I'll be one of the many saying
  10. (Hard) the flowers that we've grown together...
  11. (Impossible) you wouldn't be...
  12. (Impossible) did the twin flame bruise..
  13. (Insane) then you went all in...

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