Surrender Part 6 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Surrender Part 6.

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  • That. Was. An awesome day xP If I ever would have the chance of getting into a library like that, there is noooo possible way I'd leave without someone dragging me out bodily XD I liked getting to know a lot more about all the guys, and I love how you have developed a history for each of their races (the types are original, by the way, and that's a refreshing change). I actually do get the feeling that I'm on another planet, among different races. The guys also do act all kingly and as if they're part of bickering races, so I think it's a proper dynamic. I think you do a really good job of creating that atmosphere, and I'm still trying to figure out how exactly you actually manage to pull that off because it's very intriguing. Keep up the good work, part 7!

    P.S. thanks for the thank you, you're welcome :)


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