Sons of anarchy soulmate

Have you wondered what kind of man was for you. do you watch sons of anarchy and have a huge crush on the guys. the wait is over to find your true bad boy

Who will you get? will it be the guy you dreamed of or someone you hate. thanks to this quiz you will know who is right for you. a sweetheart. tough guy or a real wrecking ball.

Created by: hannah of
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you search for in your bad boy?
  2. what is your main goal in a relationship?
  3. how many kids will you have
  4. what do you want him to look like
  5. what is your dream bike
  6. is he a really bad boy
  7. is he cute
  8. dream life
  9. will he be devoted
  10. last question do you like sons of anarchy

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