solve my ballz to krAK

this is a quiz to show how smart u are. if u dont know u will get bad points. if you have bad points u will lose. when u lose u will be called a loser.

u dont want to be a loser because everyone will call u that and laugh at u. try ur best. and i hope u GET SOME BAD STUFF. ha. ha. ha. hahahahahahahahaha.

Created by: MonkeyDonkey69
  1. (5 x 2)รท 3 = ?
  2. how much letters r in 'the alphabet' ?
  3. what do u do when you break ur leg?
  4. what ended in 1896
  5. what is level 4 named in the backrooms?
  6. when was grand theft auto 5 made?
  7. whats my favourite colour?
  8. whats fat and thick
  9. what do u do when ur hand is chopped off?
  10. how much time is in a day?
  11. what is the correct spelling of pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolkanoconiosis
  12. what is the correct spelling for supercalifragilisticexpialidocius?
  13. how tall is the worlds tallest tree?
  14. im thinkin of a number. u must guess it. my number is below 100 and more than 50. it is more than 65 but less than 70. what is it?
  15. what is 1^ 69?
  16. the numbers in the commas follow the same rule. (9, 11, 70) (5, 10, 15) (7, 19, 30) (12, 89, ?)
  17. the numbers in the commas follow the same rule.(3, 25) (12, 100) (9, 76) (2, ?)
  18. what question are we on?
  19. Solve x: x^2 - 3|x - 2| - 4x = - 6
  20. Two boats on opposite banks of a river start moving towards each other. They first pass each other 1400 meters from one bank. They each continue to the opposite bank, immediately turn around and start back to the other bank. When they pass each other a second time, they are 600 meters from the other bank. We assume that each boat travels at a constant speed all along the journey. Find the width of the river?

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