So you thinkyou know Homer Simpson

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Homer Simpson Experts come on please take my quiz. I already made a Bart and Maggie quiz so you can also take it. But the homer quiz is so cool you will love it.

Cookie man banana water bottle jug jam clock air hockey bag computer cat dog lunch witty mouse pad dollars developed a long time ago. But Homer takes the yummy cake!!

Created by: doodle of
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. On episode ''See Homer run'' what charecter does homer dress like
  2. True or False: Homer's mom is dead
  3. what is Homer's wife name
  4. What is the name of Homer's favorite beer
  5. Homer was created by........
  6. Who voices Homer
  7. True or False: Homer's best friend is Barney
  8. How old is Homer (18th season)
  9. What color shirt does Homer Have
  10. In 2010 entertainment weekly Homer was named 2nd greatest Cartoon Charecter after..........
  11. How old are Homer and Bart Combind

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