Skulduggery Pleasant quiz (books 1-9)

How well do you know the Skulduggery books 1-9? Try this quiz to see how much you know!

Short questions about Skulduggery Pleasant books 1-9 to test your knowledge of the series. Will you pass the test?

Created by: Squidgey
  1. What are the black haired main character’s three names?
  2. What was Valkyrie imagining would come out of a cupboard at Anathem Mire’s magical house in Gordon’s caves?
  3. In the fifth book “Mortal Coil” during the outbreak of the remnants China Sorrows gets stuck in her library and escapes by distracting the remnants by the books of the library. She makes the books do that by changing the ‘what?’ of the room?
  4. What are the names of Prof Kenspeckle Grouse’s first two assistants?
  5. What did Valkyrie’s parents get her for her 18th birthday?
  6. What is the weapon that Valkyrie uses on the night she gets attacked in the first book in Gordon’s house?
  7. What is the name of the ball that makes a bubble of invisibility?
  8. What is the name of Valkyrie’s dog?
  9. Who does Valkyrie wave to in the first book when going to the will reading?
  10. In book 9 in the battle vs Darquesse, Valkyrie can see the magic around sorcerers. Each sorcerer has a different colour, what colour is Saracen Rue’s magic?
  11. In the fourth book when Valkyrie is rescuing Skulduggery from the ‘World Of The Faceless Ones’, Skulduggery tells Valkyrie that the flying black riders have spotted you when they ‘What’?
  12. When Clarabelle talks to scapegrace about thrasher cleaning the floor what is scapegrace’s response?
  13. How did Batu kill the teleporters?
  14. What is used to summon the Sea Hag?
  15. What object is used to control Solomon Wreath’s necromancy power?
  16. What does Skulduggery use to get Valkyrie’s reflection over to fake Valkyrie’s death? In the second book.
  17. During the battle with the warlocks, NJ makes symbols to bring this see-through tape across, What is it?
  18. What are the colour of the seats in ‘The Canary Car’?
  19. How does ex-Grand Mage Quinton Strom die?
  20. How does Anton Shudder die?

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