Skulduggery Pleasant Quiz - GlitchGal

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GlitchGal is back again! You know, I made all of my six quizzes on the same day! Funny that, right? I don't know. Anyways, I got bored again, so I made this quiz about Skulduggery Pleasant, like I said I would! The book is written by Derek Landy and I really would recommend reading them yourself. There are 15 of them I think. The age rating I would give is 10+ for the first ones.

Okay, so in this quiz, you will be seeing who your are more like. The options are: Valkyrie, Skulduggery, Tanith, Ghastly. I would recommend reading the book before you do this quiz as you will not know who they are. Have fun!

Created by: GlitchGal
  1. What is your gender? (Pick one if you are non-binary please)
  2. What is your best quality?
  3. Which would be your choice of weapon?
  4. Which type of sorcerers would you most like to be?
  5. Do you like vampires?
  6. Which of these is your favourite colour?
  7. How do you like to travel?
  8. Do you have any siblings?
  9. Who is your favourite character?
  10. Pick an emoji:

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