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  • Glad I could help! I don't think you should continue to see him, until you know more about him. I think you made a good choice though.

  • Thanks! I wasn't expecting to see me on there. Sorry my advice (if that's what you want to call it) wasn't helpful, but I believe you now and wish you the best.

  • Thank you, you really helped :)

    Crystal Star
  • Oh good lord.... Darling.... I just read your advice quiz, and I really hate to rain on your excitement, but someone can't love another person that fast. Do you know anyhing about his family? Where he's from? If he's had a hard time? Because for me (now, this is just my opinion on it, and I'm really trying not to upset you) it looks like he was trying to get a girl pregnant (which is why he sent you the pregnancy test), so he can get away from his family.

    However, I will say that if you're excited, then everyone else should too. And go to the doctor to make sure that you're pregnant (like mcqueen said). Oh! And tell us if it's a boy or a girl :P.

  • Oh and you might want to go to a doctor and take another pregnacy test just so you know he didn't get an old one (old ones always test positive)

  • Well no matter what you decided to do has to be the best for you and your child. You could give it up for adoption and go vist every once and awhile. But if you ever need to talk feel free to email me milkchocolatequeen@ hotmail. Com :)


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