should you still wear diapers??

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do you need diapers still? well find out here! remeber to share this quiz with friends and family and if u like the result leave good reviews!! have a good diaper lover or diaper needer quiz!!

always express urself with ur diaper print like get dinosuars, candy, butterflies anythimg u want and be unique and hope u enjoy the feeling of think, comfy, and absorbent diapers a much as i do!!!

Created by: ariana grande
  1. how often do you pee your pants?
  2. how often do you poop your pants?
  3. when did you last poop yourself at night?
  4. when did you last pee yourself at night?
  5. what brand would you wear in the day?
  6. what brand would you wear at night?
  7. do you still already wear diapers?
  8. do you want to wear diapers at night?
  9. do you want to wear diapers in the day?
  10. how old are you?
  11. if your friends found out you wore diapers would you be embarrassed?
  12. if you were forced to wear diapers to school would you be embarrassed?
  13. if you went to school wearing diapers and your crush found out what would you do
  14. if at school your teacher knew about your diaper and you pooped/peed your diaper and she had to change it in front of the class what would you do??
  15. if you peed/pooped your pants and the teacher left an put your crush in charge and he/she had to change you diaper and they did an treated you like a baby what would you do

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Quiz topic: Should I still wear diapers??

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