Should I buy it?

This is my first quiz so PLEASE forgive me! This is a quiz about if you should buy something or not! Who would have thought of that? Good luck and happy days! :D

When you go shopping, it's pretty easy to just go ahead and buy things. You've got staff pushing you to buy, you've got temptation, the item looks nice right? I hope this quiz will help you to decide to buy or not to buy.

Created by: ExpHurtFan
  1. Do you want to buy it?
  2. Will this purchase make life better or easier?
  3. Is it on special?
  4. Do you really NEED this item?
  5. Could your money be better spent on something else?
  6. Where is this item situated at? (weird question, I know...)
  7. Can you afford?
  8. Is it shiny?
  9. Do I sound like a crazy person? No effect on quiz unless you say yes then you get -399! jk! xD SUBSCRIBE TO PEWDIEPIE O_O
  10. Muhaha! Last question! This may be the deciding question so choose carefully! What is your mind set for buying things? No judgement <3

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