Are you a shop-till-you-drop person?

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Shopping is so much more than just a mere act of buying things one needs. For the shopper, it can be an enjoyable activity, a retail therapy or a nuisance, even torture. As for the retailer, it is mainly a very lucrative business.

Retailers have classified shoppers into different categories in order to adjust marketing to their needs and personality. What kind of shopper are you? Are you addicted to shopping, do you shop till you drop, or are you a sensible shopper?

Created by: Ankica Saric
  1. What do you think about shopping?
  2. How does shopping make you feel?
  3. Are you fashion-conscious?
  4. Are you influenced by advertising?
  5. How often do you go shopping for clothes?
  6. Do you ever shop online?
  7. What do you do when you see something you like but can't afford?
  8. Have you ever lied about the price of a clothing item?
  9. Do you have any clothes in the wardrobe you haven't worn?
  10. How many pairs of shoes do you have?
  11. Do you ever buy designer brands?
  12. Do you have any savings?

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Quiz topic: Am I a shop-till-you-drop person?
