Send a letter to Scarlet WoF

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Hello! Send a letter to Scarlet and see what she thinks of you! Maybe she likes you? Maybe she hates you? Maybe she doesn’t care about you? Find out with this fun quiz!

FYI, my name used to be just Lily but now it is LilyDragonPop. So check out my other quiz’s! 🐈🐈🐐🐈🦢🕊🐓🕊🐇🐈🕊🦡🐉🐊🦖🦎🐢🦑 (ran out of things to say 🤪)

Created by: LilyDragonPop
  1. First, what paper would you use?
  2. Second, how would you start your letter?
  3. Third, what would your first sentence be,
  4. Fourth, what would your body paragraph be?
  5. Fifth, what would your last sentence be?
  6. Sixth, how would you end your letter?
  7. Seventh, what envelope would you use?
  8. Eighth, what stamp would you use?
  9. Ninth, how would you send your letter?
  10. Tenth, what do you think of Scarlet? (Won’t effect results)

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