Wings of Fire Can you escape Queen Scarlet's Arena?

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You have been captured and thrown into the SkyWing area - you have to fight for your life - that is, if you ever have a hope of trying to get out alive.

Will you be able to outwit your opponnents - or will you die trying? Find out in this awesome quiz whether you are a fighter, fleer, or a clever outwitter.

Created by: FirestormTheDragon
  1. What is your favorite tribe?
  2. What are your favorite fighting techniques?
  3. If you became Scarlet's new champion killer, what would be your reaction?
  4. What are your thoughts on Queen Scarlet?
  5. If you survive, will you try to kill Queen Scarlet?
  6. Would you make a good Queen?
  7. Alright, are you ready for the challenge?
  8. You are dumped in the palace arena. A small IceWing has been chosen to fight with you. How will you defend yourself?
  9. Your next battle (if you survived the previous one) is against a SandWing. What should you do?
  10. Finally, if you survived the other two battles, you have to fight the fearsome dragon Peril. How should you attack?

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Quiz topic: Wings of Fire can I escape Queen Scarlet's Arena?

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