Self Taught Gymnast Level

The title says it all :) So how are you? I'm bored. Are you an after-covid person? Lucky! Covid is the worst. But some good things did happen. I tried a little harder with gymnastics. I was always a self taught gymnast but I am pretty terrible at it. I got most of my answers from a gymnastics website. Good luck my friend!

This quiz is not 100% accurate because it does not fully ask about your skills and I am not a gymnastics coach. It is just for you to have an estimate of your placement.

Created by: Keyomii
  1. How long have you been teaching yourself?
  2. How long do you practice a day?
  3. Do you have a trampoline?
  4. Do you have stretching outfits? E.x.: Leos
  5. Do you eat healthy?
  6. Highest Skill on Trampoline?
  7. Highest Skill on a mat
  8. What Level Do you Think you are?
  9. Sorry that the quiz is lazy! The answers are probably a little mixed up. There was a glitch.
  10. Rate the quiz

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