Which Spy Gymnast Are You?

Which Spy Gymnast are you? Who is your best friend? Who are you most similar too? Who do you have fun with? Who do you trust? Why do you trust them? Find out!

Are you most similar to Kavita (Kavi), Marielle (Mari), Jiyamorti (Jiya), Sachie (aka the WEIRDO), or Naomi (Mima)? Take this quiz and find out! Let loose and answer truthfully.

Created by: LJ
  1. If you could use one word to describe yourself, what would it be?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. Which of the following places do you prefer?
  4. Which of these foods would you most likely eat on a daily basis?
  5. Which of these would you choose to be your hobby?
  6. Which animal is your favorite?
  7. What is your favorite instrument?
  8. You are taken down a path to a garden. There is a light alley with thorny flowers and a dark path with blossomed daisies. Which do you take?
  9. What is your fatal flaw?
  10. What is your best school subject?
  11. What is your favorite way to start the day?
  12. Ideal living area?
  13. Favorite way to end the day?
  14. “Only four of them will reach the endA battle at a lake, in order to reach a friendOne will call and cry and fightOne will see, for she has the power of sightBut say no more, or she will fallAt fault of a bear cubs callTake a leg across the lakeTo battle the bear that is a fa—She will rise above the riverAnd if she doesn’t, your friend will wither.” If this is the property you are given, what would you do?
  15. Best friend?

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Quiz topic: Which Spy Gymnast am I?
