Are you a gymnast, cheerleader or dancer?

Hello. This quiz will help determine if you are a cheerleader, gymnast or dancer! I am not qualified to say exactly what you should be, but i hope this will help you decide.

I have to write two paragraphs but i dont know what to say here so...ntyrtrehy35rhdjm6y5trghjuytrfghyjtrewrghgtrewdfrgthtr4gtr4t! tryjt6y5grbhytregty6t. tgrh5trtr4

Created by: Candie
  1. How old are you?
  2. Are you flexible?
  3. Tumbling with shoes, or without shoes?
  4. Do you like instrumental music or with lyrics?
  5. Upbeat or slow music?
  6. Leotard or Cheer uniform?
  7. Individual or Team?
  8. How often would you practice?
  9. Which hair accessories?
  10. Do you like doing stunts

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Quiz topic: Am I a gymnast, cheerleader or dancer?
