Scarlette Academy, Episode two: The Exams

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Make sure you do quiz one first! I also did a "Answer some questions, get random stuff" quiz. This is my third quiz and I thought it was pretty good. 😺

Please, please comment (if you have an account) it would really help me keep going. Also, episode three will probably be out later today. Please like!

Created by: Akiko Neko
  1. You smile at your acceptance letter, excited for the future. But you still have a whole summer holiday left before you join the school! How will you spend it?
  2. Summer is over. You prepare for your entrance exams. What do you wear?
  3. How do you get there?
  4. You're here. You are half an hour early. Who catches your attention?
  5. A short girl with two strawberry blonde pigtails hands you a sheet, "You can start now," she said. You write your name and start the test. The first question is, "Why are leaves green?"
  6. Second: Is this sentence correct? You're really pretty, Lora
  7. 11×5=
  8. Who built windsor castle?
  9. The exam is over and you decide to explore the school. Where do you go?
  10. You hear a teacher call out your name. He gives you your grades...

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