Research Methods

Research Methods in Kinesiology Procedures utilized to design and conduct research in kinesiology. Topics covered include research design, ethics in research, information retreival, and presenting results.

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Created by: Luke
  1. Choose the true statement about independent variables
  2. Which of the following is the weakest experimental design for investigating the effects of exercise on body composition?
  3. When are qualitative methods generally used?
  4. What is an example of descriptive research designed to gather information on habits, opinios, or attitudes?
  5. Which is not one of the four general categories for nonsampling errors?
  6. What is the goal of any sampling strategy?
  7. Which are possible threats to a repeated measures design?
  8. Which of these provides an efficient way of presenting findings and an opportunity for casual interaction?
  9. How many independent variables are there in a 2 X 3 X 4 experimental design?
  10. "Drawing names from a hat" to get subjects for a study is an example of:
  11. __________ refers to how well the study results generalize to the overall population:
  12. Assume this formula has been entered in A1: =IF(3*2>7,"cat",IF(2*2=4, "dog","mouse")) The resulting formula will be:
  13. The insert function icon can be used to:
  14. When is an informed consent document not needed?
  15. The 2 purposes in experiments are to help answer a research question and ___________:
  16. The success of a study depends on:
  17. Which of these is an example of an intervening variable?
  18. What is the primary goal when writing survey questions?
  19. What is an advantage of open questions?
  20. What form of research is a case study an example of?
  21. What does epidemiological research deal with?
  22. What are the functions of theories?
  23. What are scientific axioms?
  24. A quantitative approach for analyzing the conclusions drawn from a large number of empirical studies is known as:
  25. The principle that the simpler of two equally acceptable explanations is preferable is known as:
  26. Variables measured in an experiment, sometimes called outcome variables are:
  27. What is experimental design?
  28. ___________ neutralizes the potential order effects in a repeated measures design by exposing subjects to different treatment orders or testing conditions.
  29. What is the most important reason for using a 2 X 2 factorial design instead of two separate experiments with one independent variable in each?
  30. What is the purpose of a literature review?
  31. The chance of subjects altering their behaviour as a result of experimental knowledge is known as:
  32. What is ethnography?
  33. What is the goal of experimental research?
  34. "Knowledge is not absolute and is always changing" is an example of:
  35. A sample method in which groups of connected individuals are slected for the purpose of serving as subjects in a study is known as:

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