Remember the future part 9 Don't go towards the light | Comments

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  • EDIT: Eat= want. Stupid auto correct... XP

    The Popolisk
  • Well... um. Didn't see that coming. BUT I THINK I GET IT! :D

    OMG I saw Brave this weekend! It was the best movie EVAR! I love the triplets. :}

    I hope you get part 10 out before tomorrow, because I'm leaving for a camping trip and won't have Internet... I really don't eat to miss it. :P

    I have my suspitions (sp?) for the "Lost Prince" story, but I'm not too sure about it.

    Anyway, the dream; the first and least likley idea about the light is thay it's just lying. But I don't really think that's right. The next thing is that it's REALLY helping- if the dreams have clues and hints as to what's going to happen later, than yeah, of course they're gonna suck; obviously our 'future' isn't gonna be easy. And mabye the dreams will overshadow reality to the point that whatever's happening won't seem quite so bad in comparison- and also if we figure them out in enough time beforehand, or even as whatever they were trying to warn us about was happening, we'd be more prepared than we would just going in blind.


    Um . Yeah. So that's some of my thoughts on that.

    As to what the light IS... Well, it called her mortal, and since, if I remember correctly, she's technically NOT, it could be a god, or mabye an immortal in the traditional sense- it can't die, perhaps? Well, regardless of what it actually is, I think that it's OLD. And helpful, in a slightly sadistic and really kinda scary way.

    Buuuut this is all just guesswork- I'm really not sure about any of it yet. :3

    And don't even ask what I think about the Key now... I will never stop rambling. >.>

    Sorry this is so long- you got me thinking ( but that's why I love your quizzes, lol.) I'm just gonna stop typing now, so I don't take over your comments page. Bye! :D


    The Popolisk
  • @Missy Prissy Cat nope, NYC doesn't smell like caramel, just to let you know XD I want to see Brave too ^^ mhm, that's why I'd say Mulan is my favorite Disney female lead, and I do that too with singing the songs... I know a lot of the words XP recently I even went old-school and bought a couple second-hand Disney VHS's because I was craving a Disney movie :P MTV generation, lol, but yes, I'd have to agree. Everything has to be straight up in the open and immediate nowadays it seems. I like avocado sandwiches. A little salt, avocado slice, bread, yummy :3

  • @ xxblutixx

    I've never been to New York, but I can imagine it doesn't smell like caramel. Aw thank you, I like teams. I prefer working in a team anyways, all those creative minds working for one purpose. Who knows what could happen. Heck, I don't even know! It's hard to write about a character who has an accent. I don't want to constantly say he has a british accent but I don't want people to forget. You might ask "why don't you give him a regular voice?" to which my answer is "what the heck is a regular voice?" Oh Noah's story, yeah remember that story folks... it might come in handy later on *wink wink nudge nudge* I LOVE DISNEY AND PIXAR!!! Oh my gosh, I can't wait to see Brave! I love strong female leads, reminds people that we girls can kick some butt every now and again. I do love details, and clues. That's why I love mystery books. A lot of people are like "But you have no idea what's going on" and then I reply with "speak for yourself, if you pay attention you might be able to figure it out!" Some people these days, it's like we live in a MTV generation where everything has to be explained. I love Christina Aguilera and that song poped into my head while I was writing it, so I figured I could add the A-MAZ-ING instrumental in the background. DUDE, I eat avacadoes all the time! It's my favourite fruit, yet everyone thinks I'm eating alien food all the time. Well they're clearly wrong! How on earth would I get alien food? Really? As for Classic Disney music, everytime I watch an old disney movie I find myself singing along to the songs or humming along at the very least. Aw man, you have to do school work and chores? Well in that case I'll try to write my story as fast as I can this time. Starting right now, okay wait hold on I need to wait for my song to finish... okay NOW! Peace out!

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • Empty comments board? 'Tis a shame! Let me fill it a bit... CLEARLY, there is no substitute for caramel in New York XP catching up with everyone's series ^^ I love reading, from the last part, I couldn't stop laughing because of Carol and Devin XP Devin, Carol, Warren, and "I" are a wonderful combination XD anyway, now to this part. I forgot Seth had a British accent, that's cute :3 and awhhh, they're all so sweet (and of course Devin offers a massage LOL "his strong heavenly hands") Noah's story was deep... Missy, your story is full of little hidden messages and allusions and it's so entertaining to read both for the story and the little details. Oh! It's like Disney and Pixar movies with their "Easter Eggs" like in the movie "Aladdin", Genie pulled out Sebastian the crab from Ariel or in "Monsters Inc." Boo's toys were from "Toy Story". I'm rambling, oops XD Hmm... odd growling voice coming from a light mocking me? Hm, this is very very interesting... I haven't a clue what it means though o.O I do love the instrumental accompaniment, excellent choice :) *gasp* you like avocadoes and Classic Disney music? Me too, awesome ^^ recently, I've actually been listening to that music in spanish to get some practice XD Can't wait for part 10 ^^ no, seriously, reading this story will probably be the highlight of the rest of my day XP (which will be made up of summer schoolwork and chores :/)


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