Religion Test- 2-28-12, Spiritus Sanctus Academy PLM

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This quiz is for those who are studying for the quiz at Spiritus Sanctus Academy, Plymouth, for the Religion test for 6th grade. This is certified to help you for this test(If you at least and 85 here). :)

This quiz is for those who are studying for the quiz at Spiritus Sanctus Academy, Plymouth, for the Religion test for 6th grade. This is certified to help you for this test(If you at least and 85 here) 2-28-13

Created by: Lovealike
  1. What are the 4 marks of the Church?
  2. Why is the Church "ONE"?
  3. How is the Church "HOLY"?
  4. How is the Church "APOSTOLIC"?
  5. How is the Church "CATHOLIC"?
  6. The Father.... it, the Son ...... it, and the Spirit ...... it
  7. Why is the Church "supernatural"?
  8. The Church......, The Church......, and the The Church......
  9. The Church Triamphant, The Church Suffering,and the Church Militant make up the ........
  10. .......-those who have been baptized into the Church
  11. What is the "Immaculate Conception"?
  12. What is the "Assumption"?
  13. What are the "4 Last Things"?
  14. What judgment goes first?
  15. You will have you body and soul at the General Judgment
  16. You will receive your body back at the General Judgment
  17. Death ends the time of being Catholic.
  18. ...... is definitive, self-exclusion from God and the blessed.
  19. The requirements for going to Hell .....
  20. Why is Hell necessary?
  21. ...... is where desire for happiness is fulfilled.
  22. .........the announcement of the Incarnation by the angel Gabriel to Mary

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