Recipe for A Great Read!

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A pinch of danger, a dash of friendship, and a teaspoon of history. Many ingredients come together to make a great reading selection. Having a difficult time finding you favorite mix?

Welcome to the Titan Cafe! Before you order, please take moment to determine the best recipe for a great reading selection just for you! Just a few ingredients combined well and you are all set.

Created by: Mrs. Stogdill of Titan Library Catalog
(your link here more info)
  1. You see a clip on the news about a UFO sighting
  2. A new romantic comedy is in the theater
  3. A famous musician dies unexpectedly
  4. You win a trip to climb El Capitan
  5. A polar bear from the Omaha Zoo passes away
  6. Your computer will not turn on
  7. Would You Rather
  8. Your next online (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon) binge...
  9. Currently streaming on Spotify
  10. Movie Choice

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