Rate your hiking ability | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Rate your hiking ability.

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  • As creator of this quiz, I find some of the comments a bit humorous. First of all, you DO learn a lot if you leave the USA. You find out that other people have different ways of hiking than the norm in the states. Some of these methods work well. (where do you think collapsible hiking poles came from?)

    Some of the questions had no bearing on the results. They were put in there to make you think.

    Learning things like biology, teaching a class, going on rock climbing or canoe camping trips do make you think "outside the box" and not stick to the normal trails and follow blazes.

    A true lover of hiking will expand his abilities, and explore new ways to get to those exotic places.

    Thanks all for taking the quiz. I had a lot of fun making it, and seeing the thoughts of others. Both positive and negative.

    Keep on truckin!

  • I got a 53%. The quiz evaluator seems more impressed with that than I am. The criteria seems pretty random. How about people who hike their whole life but never go out of the US or don't do other extreme sports such as rock climbing?

  • In 2009, I met a nobo PCT thru hiker in Cascade Locks whose trail name was "12 Percent" after the score he got on this test prior to his hike.

  • I got 8%, but I'm a lazy teenager and the only hikes i've ever done were on school camps.

  • I don't know what these questions about rafting, military, etc. have to do with hiking.

  • that was pointless...the questions don't really make sense. Btw I scored a 2%

  • That was the best writen test I've ever seen! Wow. Amazing insight.

    Diamond dave
  • 32% I've thru-hiked 2 of the big 3, but darn, I don't own a dehydrator and I haven't taught a biology class.

    bored in oregon
  • i got 9% wow. but im just a kid and i just hike thru the woods so there!


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