Random quiz questions

How randomly informed are you? Try this totally, completely, insanely random quiz to test your knowledge of randomness! We don't know how well you'll be, so we will have to wait and see!

Good luck, think about the questions, take your time, and try your best. See what other people got and share what you got in the comments! Please please please rate high...please?

Created by: Saria
  1. Which letter is next? Think about the pattern: a, z, b, y,___
  2. Here's a quick riddle: by myself I am quiet. With others, I sing. What am I?
  3. Whats 9 + 10? (Seriously, not 21)
  4. How many CONTINENTS are there?
  5. Who was the first president?
  6. How many days are in April?
  7. Where is the Eiffel tower?
  8. What is the first grade you go to when you start school?
  9. Who was a real god?
  10. What year did Matthew Henson find the north pole?

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