Random Quiz! How Much Do You Know Of Random? | Comments

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  • wow... did i really post that?...

  • That's when John and Marie start hugging and I get all grossed out because I'm caught in between. Then we all go out to the street and celebrate when we see another big cage opened. It said "People Eating T-rex." Then we hear a loud roar, look behind us, and run for our lives. Marie says, "We'll never run faster than it!" And that's when I said, "We don't have to run faster than it, just faster than John." Of course that's when John starts to fall behind, but the T-rex doesn't eat him. That's when I remember the beef jerky dipped in peanut butter in my back pocket. I take it out and throw it at the T-rex. I guess it didn't like it because it spit it out and ran away. Oh well, I had a pretty weird day. Now that's saying something!

  • Random Peanut Butter

    One day, a very long time ago - or was it yesterday - something strange happened. It was so strange that I, well, I forgot. Oh well, I'll remember when it comes to that part of the story. Now, I will tell you the story and you better listen, got it!

    Okay, so I was walking home from my friend's house when John came riding down the street on his bike. Of course Marie, my friend who's house I had just come from, came running out. (They say that they hate each other but I don't believe them. If you know how they act around each other you would think the same thing too.) John starts screaming, "It's back to get me, it's back to get me!" Just then, Marie and I look back to see what was "back to get him" when we saw this huge T-rex. She screams and runs for her dear life while I take out my phone, take a picture of it, text all my friends the picture, and then run.

    While I'm running I see this huge cage that says "Peanut Butter Eating T-rex." I yell to them that it eats peanut butter and not people but for some reason they kept running. Don't get freaked out when I tell you this, but, I think they're crazy or something like that. Right away I grab my emergency peanut butter jar and wave it around. It sees the peanut butter and starts running after me. That's when I know what I have to do, take it to the one place where peanut butter eating creatures live, Random Falls. It's this secret place that's randomly located under my house. I like to go there and eat the peanut butter that sometimes falls from the sky. Random, right?

    As I'm running to my house I am screaming, "Yo, T-rex, if you like peanut butter so much then come get it!" That makes it run even faster, for some strange reason. That's when my friends, John and Marie, turn around and run after us. once I make it into Random Falls I throw the jar of peanut butter into the peanut butter waterfall. The T-rex runs toward the peanut

  • .................EH ?!?

  • I wanna Just Dance but she took me home instead, uh oh, there was a Monter in my bed. We french kissed on a Sub-way train, she tore my clothes right off, she aint my Heart and then she aint my Brain..... :/


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