r u sterotypical?

Stereotypical people can be annoying, funny, or clever. Just how far before it is too annoying. People can find stereotypical people annoying when every word that comes out of theior mouth is a diss to a certain group of people.

Are YOU stereotypical? Some people know that they are stereotypical, but they need some reassurance. Try this quiz and see the results as clear as day.

Created by: Cassia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A black person is walking down the street. You shout...
  2. A geek drops his books in the hallway. You...
  3. You are starving. The only place around is owned and run by blacks. Only blacks eat there. You...
  4. A new girl is from Korea her name is Hsin. Nobody can pronounce it. Do you...
  5. Your parents adopt a girl from India. Her name is Garima. Everyone makes fun of her, including your best friends. You...
  6. After 9/11 eveyone starts to be mean to Roya and Fathima. They are your nextstore neighbors. You...
  7. You favorite store is taken over and run by Indians. They have very heavy accents. You...
  8. Some asians move into town. Soon the town is crawling with them. Your whole block is covered with them and they seem to be multiplying. You suggest to your parents...
  9. You are forced to move to a new town. Chinatown, California. You...
  10. Suzanna is from Kentucky. She has a southern accent. All of your friends are calling her a hillbilly. You...

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