R U cRaZy!?!?!?!?!?

you are crazy. i think you are, anyway. so take this quiz and see. crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy, hopefuly

if you think you are crazy - then take this quiz. are you crazy, are you crazy, are you crazy, are you are you crazy, are you crazy, are you crazy, are you crazy, are you crazy,

Created by: max
  1. your friends act:
  2. do people say you act odly:
  3. what is your fave colour:
  4. whats your fave number out of:
  5. whats u'r fave letter out of:
  6. how many times do people say your not right in the head (on average)
  7. someone of the opposit sex asks you to come to their house, you:
  8. somone dares you to go out on the street naked, do you do it?
  9. poo
  10. poo poo

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