Quiz: How to survive a zombie outbreak?

HI!! So you want to quiz yourself on a zombie out breakquiz? no? too bad you are the chosen one. I am sorry in advance for my horriable spelling......

BUT anyway, weather your a savior, sacarafiser. or hero, or a SURVIVOR. youve come to the right place... in my quiz you will have different sinario W/ and WO/ your family..

Created by: Brandon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your watching the news, suddenly the NWNS warns you of an infection spreading. most likely a zombie outbreak :P. what is the first thing you do??
  2. Your in your house with your family, you see TWO LOOTERS with firearms you have a kitchen knife. THE LOOTERS have GAS and other importent supplies. They are about to steal your Honda. what do you do???
  3. Your in a house with your other survivors that you RESENTLY found. suddenly zombies burst thru the window. what do you do?!?!
  4. your with your family, then suddly zombies burst into your kind of luxorious home. WHAT DO YOU DO!
  5. You come acrost a survivor, who is well equipped. he comes to you with raised hands. what do you do.
  6. You come acrost an UNTOUCHED gun store. the only problem is it is surrounded by 16 zombies. what do you do???
  7. you come acrost an old man. he is wounded with a gunshot to the knee. He is a DOCTOR. he is bleeding heavly. He also have a LOT of medical stuff..
  8. you come accrost a cute rhott whiler ( Excuse my spelling ) he is friendly.
  9. You have now trained you Rhott whiler, BOB TEH ENIALATOR!!! to murder zombies. the only problem is... your low on food.
  10. BOB TEH ENIALATOR!!!. has been shot! you are low on medical supplies, but you son has also been shot. which one.
  11. You hear rumor of a refuge camp not far from you location.
  12. You arrived at the refuge camp. they welcome you with soup line and MREs. they want you to fight yes no?
  13. The camp is going be get overrun. help them, or leave?

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