quiz about songs and singers

there are many smart people in this world but only a few genius's. but a genius is a very hard thing to be they solve complex questions and have a very clever mind.

are you a genius? do you have what it takes to be a genius. do you have the brain power to do this quiz or not. not all people are good at quizzes but you might just be the one!!!! try it and you will soon see

Created by: kayley
  1. who sings "baby" and is sixteen
  2. who sings "please dont stop the music"
  3. who was rihanna bashed by
  4. who plays gabriella in high school musical
  5. does beyonce sing a song called "halo"
  6. who sings the song "omg"
  7. does justin beiber have a sister
  8. does rihanna sing a song called "irreplacable"
  9. does zac efron sing apart from in the movie high school musical
  10. does vanessa hudgens sing apart from in the movie high school musical
  11. who plays the part of sharpay evans in high school musical
  12. who sings the song "that's why your so beautiful"
  13. who sings the song "shine"
  14. is brian mac fadden in t he show home and away
  15. what singer is in the show pink panther

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