Quiz about myself

This is dumb I don't know what we have to do. Why do we have to write all this dumb stuff, I don't understand. This is stupid and so retarded. I don't want to write a dumb paragraph about this quiz just take it alright!

This is dumb I don't know what we have to do. Why do we have to write all this dumb stuff, I don't understand. This is stupid and so retarded. I don't want to write a dumb paragraph about this quiz just take it alright!!

Created by: Matt
  1. What is my favorite sport?
  2. Who is my bestfriend?
  3. What is my favorite color?
  4. How tall am I?
  5. Who is my favorite rapper?
  6. What is my favorite food?
  7. What school do I go 2?
  8. What is my favorite tv show?
  9. Where do I want 2 live when I grow up?
  10. What is my perfect pizza?
  11. Who is my favorite team?
  12. Who is my favorite team?
  13. What college do I want 2 go 2?
  14. What is my favorite electronic that I own?
  15. How many girls have I actually liked?

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