Quiz About Bethany and Ryan

So, how well do you know Ryan and Bethany? If you take this test, you'll find out! Basically it's just about our relationship and dating life. Feel free to laugh and mock it.

Okay, the first thing to remember is that this is all in good fun. No worries about scores, we just want to make you smile and it was something to put on our website. :-)

Created by: Bethany of Ryan & Bethany March 1, 2008
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When and where did Ryan and Bethany meet?
  2. When and where was Ryan and Bethany's first date?
  3. Freebie: When are Ryan and Bethany getting married?
  4. How many times have they been to Disneyland together?
  5. Who said "I love you first?"
  6. Can you guess how many movies (not counting movies watched at home) Ryan and Bethany have seen together?
  7. During which film did they first hold hands? Awww. . .
  8. After which movie did Ryan first kiss Bethany?
  9. True or False: Did Bethany's mother tell Ryan it was a shame it didn't run naked around Arizona Mills Mall within the first 5 minutes of meeting him?
  10. What was Bethany's Father's reaction when Ryan asked to marry her?

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