Question and Answer 1

Warning: This quiz is based on Islam and is should be used mainly by Muslims. Rules: No cheating please. Read the question and select your answer.

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Created by: Thanim Ahmed
  1. What does the word 'Islam' mean?
  2. There is a holy book in Islam. What is it called?
  3. Who is the Messenger of Allah?
  4. What is the First Pillar of Islam?
  5. What is the Shahadah?
  6. What is the Second Pillar of Islam?
  7. How many Daily Prayers are there in a Muslim Day?
  8. What is the Third Pillar of Islam?
  9. How many times has Zakah (Charity) been empazised in the Quran?
  10. What is the Fourth Pillar of Islam?
  11. Which month do you fast in?
  12. What is the fifth Pillar of Islam?
  13. How many times do you have to go around the Kabah in Hajj?
  14. How many Allah is there?
  15. What is the Best Day in the Week and the Best Month in the Year?

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