put your brain in here and test your IQ

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is a person, a body of work, or a singular achievement of surpassing excellence. More than just originality, creativity, or intelligence, genius is associated with achievement of insight which has transformational power.

ARE u really smart or genius do u really deserve the title of a genius mind then try and see by attempting this great quiz thanks to marium abbas who has made this quiz.

Created by: Marium Abbas
  1. what is the sum of 5+8+10+56+78 divided by two and * by 2 equals
  2. what is the thing that every body nows but somebody gets and difficult to get
  3. if there are five planks of wood and u r asked to remove 1 from them and then again put it and again remove it and again put it and then again remove it and finally put it.how many times u attempt to put and remove
  4. from these 4 words, pick the odd one out :
  5. Which number complete the following series : 144 121 100 81 64 ?
  6. HAND is to Glove what HEAD is to:
  7. Which number is the tenth part of a quarter of the fifth part of half 12,000 ?
  8. A trader buys coffee for $1200 and sells it for $1500. For each bag of coffee he earns a profit of $50. How many bags of coffee did he has ?
  9. Mary, who is sixteen years old, is four times as old as her brother. How old will Mary be when she is twice as old as her brother?
  10. Which one of the numbers does not belong in the following series? 2 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 14 - 15 - 30

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Quiz topic: Put my brain in here and test my IQ