StitchedHeart's Profile


Joined on Jun 12, 2012
Status Level: Advanced

Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
100 Quiz
1K Quiz
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StitchedHeart's Quizzes

  • Rock Lyrics Test
    [published: Jan 03, 2013, 3 comments]

    Rock has been a staple of American music for more than 60 years. The genre can range from slow and……

  • Shout Out Quiz 2
    [published: Aug 26, 2012, 9 comments]

    Here it is, back by popular demand, It's my second shout-out quiz! Now more people are going to get the full……

  • How well do you know Metal Gear?
    [published: Aug 07, 2012]

    "Snake, answer me. Snake? SNAAAAKE!" These were the words that sent gamers into a riot, and……

  • My Shout Out Quiz
    [published: Jul 31, 2012, 8 comments]

    Hey,guys. I was thinking today and realized I haven't gotten to properly thank all of you. So today, I've made……

  • Which Nintendo Console Is Right For You?
    [published: Jul 03, 2012, 2 comments]

    Everybody (well o.k. not everybody) loves Nintendo. Their library of great games, their……

  • how well do you know me?
    [published: Jul 02, 2012, 8 comments]

    I have been on GTQ for some time now, and I feel it is the right time to ask all of you how well you……

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