Nat and Laya's Profile

Nat and Laya
Joined on Sep 9, 2022
Status Level: Junior
Nat and Laya's Quizzes
- Do you spend TOO much time on the Internet?[published: Sep 09, 2022, 2 comments]
Are you on technology too much? Well here is a simple quiz too help you reconsider……
- Are You TOO Obsessed With Stuffed Animals?[published: May 05, 2022, 17 comments]
Hello And Welcome To This Quiz! This Quiz Will Determine The Gravity Of Your Stuffed……
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Nat and Laya's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got that all LGBT members are abominations and I know you are trying to make fun of us Christians but seriously that's true. It's just…"
1 -
"This quiz is very accurate I love being around nature, while alone, its so calming!"
1 -
"Sorry guys! The test answers were really inaccurate, but the answers should be fixed! :) Thanks for taking the quiz!!"
In response to h0n3y_lia:
"You Love Stuffed Animals! You Might Not Be…"
1 -
"Sorry that your score was TOTALLY inaccurate! ;-; It should be fixed now, thanks for taking the quiz!"
In response to Venkkuu_:
"Your Score is 83% ! 83%
You love stuffed…"
1 -
"I got 7%"
1 -
"55% To be honest I think I am pretty pretty but I am sure Korean beauty standards would say otherwise! XD This was a fun quiz!"
3 -
"I appreciate this quiz I am 100% not a feminist and even feel nausea when I hear the name! I am a Christian and a female I think the…"
1 -
"My score was 75% sadly, this might be true! I thought I was going to get like, 90% or something but, I need to start caring more for my…"