Pokemon Identification

My quiz will help people who love Pokemon so much! They can learn from their mistakes! Even learn about new Pokemon that they probably don't know! Thanks!

Are you a Pokemon geek!? Geek in a good way! If so then this was and is for you! Thank you for taking my Pokemon quiz! I wish Pokemon were real! Thanks!

Created by: Max
  1. Which Pokemon has a bulb on it's back?
  2. What Pokemon has a shell with spikes ,with flat tops, on it?
  3. Which Pokemon did Giovanni use last against the battle with Gary Oak?
  4. What Pokemon uses two spoons in battle to make it stronger?
  5. Which Pokemon looks like a unicorn with flames?
  6. What Pokemon can evolve into seven other forms?
  7. What Pokemon evolves into Golbat?
  8. What Pokemon has a crest on it's head just like Parasaurolophus?
  9. What Pokemon has only a female counterpart and has a pouch?
  10. What Pokemon will die if the flame on it's tail goes out?

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