Personality test for ages 10+.

Hi! I hope that you like this quiz. It is pretty short with about nine or ten questions, and these questions will determine your personality. πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Šβ€πŸ‘Œ.

After the quiz, you will get a result that is based on your answers, so please answer honestly. You can check the other quiz results and share this quiz with friends. Thank you.

Created by: Rain
  1. Do you consider your glass half empty or half full?
  2. What is your favourite colour?
  3. What month are you born in?
  4. I hope you enjoyed this quiz!
  5. What do you hope to be out of these
  6. Would you rather be rich and have a job you hate or have a job you love and not be rich
  7. Animals!
  8. If you had a sister, what would her name be?
  9. If you had a brother, what would his name be
  10. Do you like your mother or father more

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