Personality Test

Are you a bolo? Boncho? Nerdo? Whatever you think you are, you'll find out with this quiz! Make sure to answer all questions honestly or you will not get an accurate result.

So go on and take this quiz! No need to read what is here. Stop reading or you will waste your time. Nothing important is here. Just take the quiz right now.

Created by: Dylan
  1. Has a person told you that you are smart?
  2. Do you like playing sports?
  3. Do you want to have ebola?
  4. Do you like to read books?
  5. Do you like to watch TV?
  6. How have you been feeling lately?
  7. Do you know who LeJohn James is?
  8. Do you enjoy going outside?
  9. Do you like to play with modern technology a lot?
  10. Do you care about most stuff you do?

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